Effective web development requires proficiency in the technicalities of the industry as well as insight into the nuances of a client’s needs. Both of these are essential in order to stand out and succeed in a highly competitive development industry.
Today we are proud to announce that Smartover has proven our expertise in both these things. This is because we have been awarded by Clutch as their pick for the Top B2B Company in Turkey for 2021.
Clutch is a B2B online reviews platform that performs in-depth market research into the best performing companies in every industry around the world. They are able to do this through a unique verification process that allows them to test whether information being sent to them comes from legitimate sources.
For example this review came from one of our more recent clients.

This was submitted to Clutch and went through their verification process. Once it went through it was published on their platform and its score and content became a variable in their research. The fact that we were eventually recognized and given the award speaks to the importance of the client’s voice in their criteria.
This is why we would like to thank all of our clients and partners who took the time to leave a review on Clutch regarding their experience with us. It’s clear how much they value such input and this would not be possible without it.
We are excited to move forward with our operations and will use this milestone to motivate us to do bigger and better things. Be a part of our journey and contact us today.